Monday, June 11, 2007

The importance of a Sunday

I'm beginning to think that the Lord is trying to talk to me about my Sundays. Two Sundays in the last month -- he has done this. Here is the second example:

This weekend one of my roommates and I bought new bicycles... well, definitely not NEW bicycles... but new to us :) I named mine Daisy, she named hers Trixie, and away we went -- to a summer full of fun.

Yesterday... SUNDAY... I had great plans to run all of my errands with the company of my new special friend Daisy. I had quite a few errands that I had to get accomplished before the day was done. So when I got back from church, I excitedly packed up a backpack and proceeded to hop on Daisy and sail away. But not so fast... flat tire! So I pumped it up... and then ... proceeded to hop on Daisy and sail away.

Basking in the glory of a great productive Sunday on my new bike - I make my first stop, come back outside, and then not so fast...flat tire! (What a great new bike, huh?)

So, disappointed, but not defeated - I carefully take Daisy back home. I plan to hop in my car "Sheila" and do the rest of my errands for my great productive Sunday.

Well no sooner than I have this thought, do I open up my pack and realize -- "Katie... you locked your keys inside the house!"

So I was forced into having a restful, relaxing, and reflective Sunday on my front porch, away from all other distractions. Sometimes God makes you do what He wants.. and it's a good thing.

Monday, June 4, 2007

I don't really like blogs

I have always been against blogs. In fact... I once witnessed a friend physically embody why I don't like blogs. Here's the story: My friend.. sees this girl and starts up a conversation.. Searching for something to say to this boy, the girl replies, "I just got back from the beach." And he replies "I know.. I read it on your blog."
It seemed wrong to me on so many levels. And it was also pretty funny.
This is the phobia that I fight: becoming so saturated in this cyber-society... that we don't really live. Living your life stalking other people.. instead of really getting to know them. Or maybe - living life planning how something will look or sound on your blog. You hear me out there, right?.. we all struggle! When I get caught up in the middle of this, it makes me want to run.. fast and free. And probably go climb a tree.... that's probably the Tennessee in me. But seriously... in an effort to "keep it real" I vow to live my life... fully- and definitely not for this blog.