Thursday, November 1, 2007

Just Keep Swimming...

ok so... Orlando. Still good.

I just got back from a callback for Nemo in Finding Nemo... where I also got to sing "Part of Your World" - from the Little Mermaid for the director. (In case you didn't know.. that's been my life's dream)

So completely prepared to sing and act like a little boy who is a fish --- now they want me to return next week to "see how I look in the wig and shells"

Craziness.. and things are looking up.

Did I mention that I found a church I'm in love with... it meets in a bar. :) haha.

-- much love

Monday, October 15, 2007

Orlando has palm trees.

Orlando is Sunny.
Orlando is warm.
Orlando has Palm trees.
and Tennessee has none.

Well -- this place has been my home for 7 days now. I'm beginning to feel more at home. With my roll-out bed (that is actually my comforter, sheets, and an egg-crate matress) and my night-stand that I keep in the corner of the living suits me just fine.

My bicycle Daisy has gotten quite an adventure riding all over Orlando, and my eyes are happy due to the lack of cloudy days. And just so you know -- I say all these things calmly and logically.

Change is hard -- always is. So while I feel the sadness of leaving friends, family, and comfort - I recognize that honestly.. this is a good move. I mean.. helloo... Last night I watched fireworks and a boat parade for free on a sandy beach while eating ice cream.... this is like a Bug fantasy-world!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Nanny new life.

I arrived today in the peaceful Tennessee.

I live in a house - with a trampoline in the backyard, mules nextdoor, and cows somewhere in earshot. And of course I must mention that my little Emma Lou is right across the hall.

I was driving down a long familiar road today -- enjoying the air in Tennessee -- and simply felt myself adjusting --- what is in the days ahead? I'm not specifically sure --- but I've seen God direct my path here -- and I am excited to put my faith in action.

Believing -- trusting -- waiting -- resting.

I love the psalm:

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want."

All my love --

Katie Bug Carr

Monday, June 11, 2007

The importance of a Sunday

I'm beginning to think that the Lord is trying to talk to me about my Sundays. Two Sundays in the last month -- he has done this. Here is the second example:

This weekend one of my roommates and I bought new bicycles... well, definitely not NEW bicycles... but new to us :) I named mine Daisy, she named hers Trixie, and away we went -- to a summer full of fun.

Yesterday... SUNDAY... I had great plans to run all of my errands with the company of my new special friend Daisy. I had quite a few errands that I had to get accomplished before the day was done. So when I got back from church, I excitedly packed up a backpack and proceeded to hop on Daisy and sail away. But not so fast... flat tire! So I pumped it up... and then ... proceeded to hop on Daisy and sail away.

Basking in the glory of a great productive Sunday on my new bike - I make my first stop, come back outside, and then not so fast...flat tire! (What a great new bike, huh?)

So, disappointed, but not defeated - I carefully take Daisy back home. I plan to hop in my car "Sheila" and do the rest of my errands for my great productive Sunday.

Well no sooner than I have this thought, do I open up my pack and realize -- "Katie... you locked your keys inside the house!"

So I was forced into having a restful, relaxing, and reflective Sunday on my front porch, away from all other distractions. Sometimes God makes you do what He wants.. and it's a good thing.

Monday, June 4, 2007

I don't really like blogs

I have always been against blogs. In fact... I once witnessed a friend physically embody why I don't like blogs. Here's the story: My friend.. sees this girl and starts up a conversation.. Searching for something to say to this boy, the girl replies, "I just got back from the beach." And he replies "I know.. I read it on your blog."
It seemed wrong to me on so many levels. And it was also pretty funny.
This is the phobia that I fight: becoming so saturated in this cyber-society... that we don't really live. Living your life stalking other people.. instead of really getting to know them. Or maybe - living life planning how something will look or sound on your blog. You hear me out there, right?.. we all struggle! When I get caught up in the middle of this, it makes me want to run.. fast and free. And probably go climb a tree.... that's probably the Tennessee in me. But seriously... in an effort to "keep it real" I vow to live my life... fully- and definitely not for this blog.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

My first Blog!

Well... this is kind of a big deal. I've never had a blog before! I've kinda avoided it.. but with the encouragement from my "friends" Lee Ann and Lisa... I had to move forward. Figuring out what to name my blog.. do you have any suggestions?