Monday, June 4, 2007

I don't really like blogs

I have always been against blogs. In fact... I once witnessed a friend physically embody why I don't like blogs. Here's the story: My friend.. sees this girl and starts up a conversation.. Searching for something to say to this boy, the girl replies, "I just got back from the beach." And he replies "I know.. I read it on your blog."
It seemed wrong to me on so many levels. And it was also pretty funny.
This is the phobia that I fight: becoming so saturated in this cyber-society... that we don't really live. Living your life stalking other people.. instead of really getting to know them. Or maybe - living life planning how something will look or sound on your blog. You hear me out there, right?.. we all struggle! When I get caught up in the middle of this, it makes me want to run.. fast and free. And probably go climb a tree.... that's probably the Tennessee in me. But seriously... in an effort to "keep it real" I vow to live my life... fully- and definitely not for this blog.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Live for Jesus my friend "Bug." I feel in my heart you will...good times, great blogs.

Lee Ann