Thursday, November 1, 2007

Just Keep Swimming...

ok so... Orlando. Still good.

I just got back from a callback for Nemo in Finding Nemo... where I also got to sing "Part of Your World" - from the Little Mermaid for the director. (In case you didn't know.. that's been my life's dream)

So completely prepared to sing and act like a little boy who is a fish --- now they want me to return next week to "see how I look in the wig and shells"

Craziness.. and things are looking up.

Did I mention that I found a church I'm in love with... it meets in a bar. :) haha.

-- much love


Johnny T said...

I think you should call this site - The Secret Life of Bug - because well I just happened to stumble on this her secret of yours.

GenZie said...

You have a lovely voice, hope you get the part you wanted. Good luck!